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Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world and to share and express what matters to them. The company competes with Google, Microsoft, Twitter etc.


  • Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share
  • The company launched Timeline in September 2011, as an enhanced and updated version of the Facebook profile
  • As of March 31, 2012, more than 9,000,000 applications and websites were integrated with Facebook
  • Facebook recorded 864 million daily active users on average for September 2014

The Facebook platform is a set of tools and application programming interfaces (APIs) that developers can use to build social apps on Facebook or to integrate their websites with Facebook. As of March 31, 2012, more than 9,000,000 applications and websites were integrated with Facebook.
Most of the Facebook’s revenue comes from advertising. It offers advertisers a combination of reach, relevance, social context and engagement. Facebook ad analytics enable advertisers to gain insights into which ads were displayed and clicked on. These analytics help advertisers make modifications to their ad campaigns. Developers use the Facebook platform to build applications and websites that integrate with the company to reach its global network of users and to build personalised and social products.
The employees at the company work in small teams and move fast to develop new products, constantly evolving and improving. The phrase “This journey is one per cent finished” is posted on the office walls, reminding that the employees have only begun to fulfil their mission to make the world more open and connected.
The company’s products for users are free of charge and available on the web, mobile web, and mobile platforms, such as Android and iOS. The users choose what information to share on their Timeline, such as their interests, photos, education, work history, relationship status and contact information. The users can control with whom each piece of information is shared on their Timeline.
On July 6, 2011, Facebook launched its video calling services using Skype as its technology partner. It allows one-to-one calling using a Skype Rest API. It launched Timeline in September 2011 as an enhanced and updated version of the Facebook profile. The Timeline allows users to organise and display the events and activities that matter most to them, enabling them to curate their memories in a searchable personal narrative that is organised chronologically.
Facebook recorded 864 million daily active users on average for September 2014. The company is defined by hacker culture – an environment that rewards creative problem solving and rapid decision making. The company encourages people to be bold. Its open culture keeps everyone informed and allows people to move around and solve the problems they care about most. oyees on

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