Ravi Ganatra : The New kid On The Block
Ravi Ganatra, an entrepreneur, a young and dynamic visionary is setting industry benchmarks. Has been chosen as India’s Inspirational Young Leader 2020-21 for wearing multiple hats with success.

Ravi Ganatra, Stalwart International
Years of working in the industry, your contribution reflects versatility and volubility. What has influenced your decision making process at various stages?
Well, I like to wear many hats when at work but the underlying philosophy of decision making has a lot to do with my vision – not just as entrepreneur but as a philanthropist in my own small measure. In the end, it’s all about making a difference to those around you which in turn puts your very self in a happy environment. Growth is a by-product of clarity and consistency coupled with an approach of dynamism. It’s the ambition that makes you scale up and fear that keeps you at bay.
An accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?
As a new kid on the block with a start-up manufacturing amusement rides, I was thrilled to bag “The National Award of Excellence” for design. It was humbling and encouraging. Though I am personally a fan of frequent milestones than huge accomplishments. They just keep me going well.
How do you integrate corporate philanthropy or corporate social responsibility as a part of your business strategies?
To be very honest, as much as we have indulged in CSR activities in the recent past owing to COVID, we still have miles to go before having a structure, channels and associates that ensure seamless and effective corporate philanthropy.
What has been your driving force or philosophy in life?
A sense of urgency to accomplish has been my driving force but then I’ve needed spirituality and yoga to balance it all out. Life cruises at the rate of knots and it’s important to spread the light before you bid farewell.
What are the other philanthropic works you are involved in?
Charity begins at home and for me, it’s primary to look into the basic needs and general well-being of one and all, especially at grassroot levels of my organization first and then everyone else.
How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?
Success to me is reality meeting ambition. Yes, numbers do indicate success. However, the pleasure of success lies in enriching the lives of those associated with you. Being an entrepreneur makes this relatively easy as resources are ample.
We are constantly making things better, faster, smarter or less expensive. In other words, we strive to do more with less. Tell me about a recent project or solution to a problem that you have made better, faster, smarter or less expensive?
I’m a fan of making things faster and we follow a Japanese business philosophy called Kaizen. Moreover, we have been consistently investing in modern machinery to increase our productivity.
In your opinion what is the most significant aspect of leadership?
A sound team precedes and follows good leadership. Leadership is about integrating people and elevating them to achieve.
Your perception of an empowered society. How far your industry has / can contribute for the same?
An empowered society is the one that has the platform and the freedom to make choices. It’s a society that is aware about the needs of the planet as much as their own.
At Stalwart International, we empower our employees to choose and even switch their job profiles within the company. There’s freedom to explore and excel.
One thing you wish to change and one thing you wish to retain about your industry?
I’d like to change the resistance towards adopting new technologies and I’d like to retain the stringent industry standards.
One thing you have to let go off as an entrepreneur/leader?
I’d like to let go off the urge to put in extra hours.
Who do you owe your success to?
Every soul I have come across has enriched my life with experiences and I owe my success to God for connecting me to each of them.
A message from you to all the future entrepreneurs/leaders?
Do what excites your spirit and let the magic follow