B.M.D.C. Prabhath is the managing director and CEO of Prime Grameen Micro Finance Ltd. He has played a great role in making Prime Grameen a recognised and acceptable brand in the non-banking financial institutions sector within three years. With a clear vision and smarter goals, he has made possible for a financial institution to make an annual profit of LKR 405 million per year within a short period of three years. He rightly harnesses the entire staff and gives them right directions. Under his leadership, each responsibility is directed to be fulfilled with dedication and commitment. Prabhath looks forward to make Prime Grameen Micro Finance Ltd the leading micro finance institution in the nonbanking financial institution sector in Sri Lanka in the next two years and to make it the first banking institution specialised in micro finance in the next eight years.
He believes in triple bottom line approach. According to him, for an organisation to reach its objectives, not only it needs reasonable profit for sustainability, but also the trust of its customers and care for environment. The company’s social responsibility is based on the company’s motto, “Making Sri Lanka a better place to live in by giving light to other people’s lives”.
Prabhath wants to work on improving common people’s quality of life. Being an efficient leader of Prime Grameen group, he has been able to measure the success through the firsthand information on the impact their products and services have made for the betterment of the lives of millions of people in Sri Lanka.