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Dr. Satya Vadlamani: Fostering Innovation and Healthcare Excellence at Murli Krishna Pharma

wcrcint - November 3, 2023 - 0 comments

In the dynamic and critical realm of the pharmaceutical industry, leaders play a pivotal role in shaping a company’s direction and success. Selected as World’s Leading Leader, Dr. Satya Vadlamani, CMD, Murli Krishna Pharma is distinguished visionary at the helm of Murli Krishna Pharma, has been an instrumental force driving innovation and healthcare excellence.

An Eminent Leader in Healthcare

Dr. Satya Vadlamani, armed with a wealth of experience and a fervent dedication to healthcare advancement, has been a driving force behind Murli Krishna Pharma’s journey toward innovation and service delivery.

Pioneering Healthcare Solutions

Under Dr. Satya Vadlamani’s astute guidance, Murli Krishna Pharma has cemented its status as a prominent entity in the pharmaceutical landscape. The company, guided by a commitment to research-driven innovation and a patient-centric approach, has emerged as a beacon in the development and production of pharmaceutical solutions for drug delivery systems (DDS) .

Emphasis on Research and Development

Dr. Vadlamani’s tenure is characterised by a relentless commitment to research and development initiatives within Murli Krishna Pharma. Her encouragement of groundbreaking research and innovative drug development has led to the introduction of pioneering pharmaceutical products in drug delivery systems (DDS).

Dr. Satya Vadlamani receiving World’s Leading Leader 2023 at the House of Lords in London. The award was given by leading British Member of Parliament Mr. Barry Gardiner

In Conversation with Dr. Satya Vadlamani, CMD, Murli Krishna Pharma

The  most important  qualities for a strong leader are :

 High level of Emotional Intelligence

Agility and quick thinking


These need to be accompanied by Empathy and Ability built on a strong foundation of trust. The Leader needs to be passionate and Inspiring.

An accomplishment that is significant

My decision to leave my comfort zone as a General in a well established Company and start an independent enterprise of my own. It was a tough call to quit a high paying job and start something on a hand to mouth existence. It taught me resilience and it also  taught me that anything and everything that can go wrong will go wrong when you are trying to do something on your own. Today I run a successful empire that believes in Innovations with a regulatory compliance twitch is at  par with any world class Pharmaceutical facility. 

The challenges faced by me were innumerable but what kept me going was my tenacity, perseverance and belief. I cannot , and will not ever let down my stakeholders.

Role of an Inspirational Leader

a ) Ability to perform  and excel under the toughest of the conditions

b) Ability to change the plans to suit the circumstances without compromising on the vision.

c) Carry the people with you ensuring  their growth  in the success story created

d) Motto for the team: Plan , Perform Reform else Perish 

e) Motivate  and be an example for the employees through action. 

Your Vision with the Brand

To become  A Global Brand Leader in  Nano Technology Based Drug Delivery Systems through Research and Innovation  and become a 1000 crore Company by 2025.

My shareholders  and employees share my vision and are looking to achieve the same through various initiatives which are a part of a well planned mission statement.

We have a specially customized and developed HR module  which ensures that  we can take our team with us  on our pathway to New Business challenges.

CSR is the responsibility of any company.  We have a well developed CSR plan that works on education and health of children  in and around neighbouring villages. I come from an educationist background and I am  an integral part of healthcare. These two subjects are very close to my heart.

Your driving force in business

My driving force  and support system have  been my parents and my children . My husband  was always there for me  in times of need. My philosophy in life is “never  say die “. I will fight till my  last breath. In the words of Robert Frost : The woods are lovely , Dark and deep but  I have miles to go before I sleep  and miles to go. 

Driving the business globally

My business is already at a Global level.  Our Plant is approved by the European Union  , Jordanian FDA , MOH of UAE  etc. In fact the only  market I have not penetrated as yet is the United States of America. It is my goal in the very near future.

But as on date I am working inwards , trying to provide  a solution for our Honorable Prime Minister’s Vision of Anemia Mukth Bharath through a disruptive and innovative Product. We are in fact on board of  a Massive Commercial Pilot Program spread across Nine States and 145 districts of India . We are a part of DIISHA and EODB

Your biggest success factors

Success for me will always be dynamic. I keep creating fresh goals for myself. The day I feel that I have achieved success , that will probably be  my last working day ,  as success knows no boundaries  and  will keep you on your feet till the last day.  Life is a journey , enjoy it and excel in it. Never look for the destination because there is nothing beyond it.

I am still  on my  journey  and I have  lofty peaks to climb.

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