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India’s Trusted CEO’s 2018: Muralidhar Yadama, Managing Director, MYK Laticrete India

INT+ WCRC - November 21, 2018 - 0 comments

India’s Trusted CEO’s 2018: Muralidhar Yadama, Managing Director, MYK Laticrete India

Delegative and Laissez-Faire, a business leaders who likes his team to make decisions, however takes onus of every such decisions that lead to success and failures.


Muralidhar Yadama, Managing Director, MYK Laticrete India

Muralidhar Yadama, Managing Director, MYK Laticrete India

The Journey

 This question got me into a frame of melancholia and nostalgia while recollecting this journey. There is no shortcut to entrepreneurial success and fulfilment. It’s a lot of work and for sure an enormous amount of hard work, but that just comes with the territory. This journey, or rather an adventure is certainly an experience to die for. I’d be lying if I said it was all sunshine. I’ve endured tough times. I’ve celebrated. There have been times I questioned why I’d allow myself to be put through this, but at the end of the day I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Right after I completed my graduation – B.E. Ceramic Technology, I had a plan to go abroad for higher studies. Right about that time, I got an opportunity to take over a running business catering to wall finishes, which I took head on to run it. This was a time of real challenge and learning for me. There I was, a novice, who had to pick on every skill required – right from sales and marketing to production planning and finance, not to talk about HR & people management, factory laws and taxation. It was an interesting journey for me and I learnt things and has shaped my thinking and approach to business and life.

I strongly rely on my discipline in addition to motivation to get things done. Discipline ensures you always get done what needs to be done. I still recall those days when I used to run around from one-construction project to the next on a 2-wheeler to showcase/sell our products, followed by time in factory to make sure what we promised to our customers can be delivered. This discipline of following through on every commitment that we made has resulted in growth of a Business that is now 800 plus strong team from less than 5 at the start. With a state of the art R&D centre which develops products to cater global market needs, 8 manufacturing units, 3000 plus channel partners, we now meet customer needs in both Tile & Stone installations and Construction Chemical Industry.

On a brighter side, I got to do what I wanted to do in my way. The values that were instilled in me by my parents continue to be the pole star; guiding me and helping me reach my goals.

It’s often said that leaders these days must operate in an environment of extreme volatility. Do you agree? How does that affect the way you lead?

My experience has been that, I remain focused on the ones that consistently gain positive results for my company while acknowledging this interdependency and embrace its possibilities. I often see my Organization as part of an “enterprise” and I value the role of my organizations should play in enriching the enterprise. In other words, I understand that any company has both a corporate and a social purpose.

Tell us how you’ve approached change?

No single approach can be adopted for a change as ‘Change is constant in reality’, that being said, I have always tried to improve odds by adopting following approach (a) Accept change (b) Role Modelling the desired change, (c) building a strong team – making leadership (including self) accountable (d) communicating effectively about the change and finally (e) getting personally involved – relentlessly pursuing the impact and change (f) Setting measurable goals for team & focusing on these goals to drive expected changes

What are you really into outside of work?

Simple, Inquisitive, experiencing and living life to fullest.

5 key roles of a successful leader?

Commitment & perseverance


Perspective & Positive Approach


Effective Communicator


With globalization, technological advances and the continuing proliferation of

networks, no single business operates in isolation anymore. Changes in one

area inevitably echoes across different areas, often in unexpected ways.

Volatility is here to stay.


How do you see the company changing in two years, and how do you see yourself creating that change?

The Industry that we operate in is poised to double in Value terms in next 3 years, The Organization is destined to become more agile to meet the unmet needs of the market, while focusing on increasing market share with a healthy Value capture, digitization and smarter product portfolio management will help company to broaden and achieve robust profitability.

As a leader, I would, continue to fund the journey that has started by increasing the capital efficiency while reducing the costs.

Develop and Pursue the strategic direction by broadening initiatives for both medium and long term that and ground work that has been laid with a clear vision and solid objectives needs to be taken farther to meet the goals of the enterprise.

What are your goals?

Goal to create long-term future for the brand. To make this group “One Group of People”, “One Life Time”, and “One Brand”. In short I would like to create a highly professional & transparent organization that everyone, from our customers, shareholders and employees would like to engage with and cherish the relationship built.

What Are Your 3 Biggest Accomplishments/Achievements?


Instilling the right values, building the right team and creating value for all



Give me one word that describes you the best


What’s your biggest Dream in life?


Dream is to create and sustain Enterprise that creates value for all the stake holders in an equitable way.

Would you rather be respected or feared and why?

Neither. Compassionate is the word.

Whom do you owe your success to?

Everybody that I interface with, also firmly believe that all the people whom I came across did contribute towards my success and building my personality.

Best thing about your job?

Getting paid for what I am passionate about. I would have done it either way.

Message from you to all the future entrepreneurs/leaders

Follow Your Passion in anything you do, do with “persistence and speed”, build the right team, inculcate and pass on right values while building a strong culture, cultivate friendship and be sure to experience life because this isn’t a dress rehearsal – its happening right now.

What is your favourite past time?


What is Sunday to you?

Like any other day of the week.


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