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Revolutionizing Airport Experiences: Liberatha Kallat’s Vision at Dreamfolks Services

wcrcint - November 6, 2023 - 0 comments

In the dynamic and ever-evolving domain of airport, travel and lifestyle services, visionary leaders play a crucial role in reshaping the travel experience. Selected as WCRCINT World’s Best Emerging Leader 2023, Liberatha Kallat, Chairperson and Managing Director is an innovative mind behind Dreamfolks Services, is emblematic of pioneering excellence in airport service aggregation and lifestyle services.

An Airport Services Innovator

Liberatha Kallat, equipped with a passion for seamless travel experiences and a commitment to service excellence, stands at the forefront of Dreamfolks Services’ pursuit of redefining airport services.

The Genesis of Dreamfolks Services

Under Kallat’s leadership, Dreamfolks Services has emerged as a notable entity in the airport and lifestyle services landscape. The company, grounded in the principles of efficiency and a dedication to aggregated airport solutions, has positioned itself as a trusted name in optimizing travel experiences.

Revolutionizing Service Aggregation

Kallat’s tenure is marked by an unwavering dedication to service aggregation. Her encouragement of innovative solutions has led to the establishment of pioneering service platforms that streamline and enhance the overall airport experience.

Liberatha Kallat Dreamfolks Services

In conversation with Liberatha Kallat, Chairperson and Managing Director, Dreamfolks Services Limited

What makes a strong leader? What are your key leadership strengths that make the strongest attributes of success.

A strong leader possesses a clear vision, adaptability, effective communication, resilience, emotional intelligence, decisive decision-making, accountability, strategic thinking, innovation, and delegation. These qualities collectively enable leaders to inspire, guide, and empower teams to achieve goals and navigate challenges effectively.

Liberatha’s key leadership strengths include visionary thinking that sets a clear direction, adaptability to changing landscapes, effective communication, resilience, emotional intelligence, and strategic decision-making. These strengths drive DreamFolks’ success by fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and customer-centricity in the industry.

An accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career? What challenges did you face to reach to the success.

One of Liberatha’s most significant career accomplishments is establishing DreamFolks as India’s largest airport service aggregator platform. She has been the pioneer and incubator of airport services sector in India because of which DreamFolks today holds a market share of over 90% in the domestic lounge access market for India issued debit and credit card programs.

This success came with challenges, notably revolutionizing the airport services experience with technology-driven excellence amid industry resistance. She navigated complexities in regulations and security, balancing innovation with a holistic service offering through strategic partnerships and persistent negotiations.

Liberatha Kallat Dreamfolks Services

What is a role of leader in these challenging times. List 5 in order of priority.

In challenging times, a leader’s roles, in order of priority, are as follows:

  1. Setting a Clear Vision: Articulating a clear vision is necessary to guide the team through uncertainty, inspiring their direction.
  2. Effective Communication: Communicating clearly and being open to listening, fostering transparent information exchange.
  3. Empowerment: Creating an environment where the team feels safe to make decisions, learn, and take ownership.
  4. Building Trust: Establishing trust through honesty, fairness, and consistent behaviour, fostering team cohesion.
  5. Positivity and Optimism: Maintaining a positive outlook to motivate the team even amid difficulties.

What is your vision and how do you share that with your shareholders, employees and others?

DreamFolks’ vision is to “Make premium travel & lifestyle experiences accessible to everyone.”

We share this vision with our –

  • Shareholders: Via annual meetings and updates, emphasizing growth and returns
  • Employees: Through interactive meetings, newsletters, and workshops promoting innovation and customer focus
  • Partners/Clients: Via presentations, case studies, and discussions showcasing tech efficiency and partnership strength
  • Public Engagement: Through media, PR, and conferences, highlighting industry leadership in innovation

How do you drive active business renovations and how does that impact your subordinates?

Driving active business renovations involves cultivating an innovative culture that encourages constant improvement. Liberatha motivates subordinates to share ideas, offering resources and autonomy. She recognizes innovation and views failure as a learning opportunity which further spurs contribution. She believes that participating in renovations sets a change-embracing example. This approach boosts team engagement, professional growth, morale, creativity, and ownership. Subordinates feel empowered to tackle challenges, bolstering the organization’s success. This dynamic environment keeps DreamFolks competitive and adaptable in a changing business landscape.

Liberatha Kallat Dreamfolks Services

How do you integrate corporate philanthropy or corporate social responsibility as a part of your business strategies?

Our business strategies integrate corporate philanthropy and social responsibility through targeted initiatives. We concentrate on education, skill development and community welfare of the girl child to foster enduring positive change that benefits individuals and society at large. For instance, our commitment to girl child empowerment is exemplified by adopting schools through our initiatives like Mission Saksham.

 What has been your driving force or philosophy in life?

Liberatha’s driving force is firmly rooted in the belief in innovation, collaboration, and positive impact. She sees challenges as stepping stones to growth and transformation, which pushes her to find fresh ways of creating value – whether by introducing pioneering solutions in the business landscape or providing value-added proposition for all stakeholders.

Collaboration, for her, is guided by the understanding that no achievement is solitary. She believes in uniting diverse perspectives and talents, addressing intricate issues to yield extraordinary results. This not only enhances outcomes but also fosters a shared sense of accomplishment and unity.

The core principle of making a positive impact underpins all her choices. Be it in her business ventures, philanthropic pursuits, or personal interactions, she is committed to leaving a meaningful imprint that enhances lives.

How do you plan to drive your business at a global level?

DreamFolks, India’s largest airport service aggregator platform, is driving its global expansion through strategic collaborations that are reshaping the travel landscape. Key partnerships with service providers like Plaza Premium Group, the world’s largest international airport lounge network, is a major step towards amplifying DreamFolks’ global lounge network.

From a Business Development perspective, the company intends to acquire clients in geographies like CEMEA (Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa) and Southeast Asia by replicating its successful business model in India.

Additionally, a focus on innovation, technology-driven solutions, and addition of new premium services will ensure the brand’s continued growth and industry leadership.

How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?

Success is a dynamic balance between achieving business goals, personal fulfilment, and impactful contributions to society. It goes beyond conventional measures, achieved through positively influencing lives, evolving as a leader, and inspiring greatness in others.

Liberatha gauges her success against these criteria. Tangible effects on the industry, company, and community validate her path. Personal and professional growth, seen in expanded skills and learning, reaffirms her commitment to progress. Effective leadership, where her guidance empowers others, is a sign of achievement for her. Sustaining work-life balance, nurturing relationships, and prioritizing well-being while attaining professional milestones indicates holistic success.

In your opinion what is the most significant aspect of leadership?

From Liberatha’s perspective, the most pivotal facet of leadership is the ability to inspire and empower others. Leadership transcends mere task management; it entails motivating individuals to unlock their full potential, instilling purpose, and steering them towards collective objectives.

When a leader instils belief in a shared vision, fosters trust in their guidance, and acknowledges each contribution, a potent synergy emerges. Empowering team members with autonomy, accountability, and resources not only amplifies ownership but also fuels innovation and ingenuity.

Moreover, a leader who exemplifies integrity, approachability, and empathy establishes trust and robust relationships within the team. This bedrock of trust and inspiration lays the groundwork for effective communication, collaboration, and adaptability amidst challenges.

Your perception of an empowered society. How far your industry has/can contribute for the same?

An empowered society, as Liberatha perceives it, embodies a realm where every individual, regardless of gender, can unlock their utmost potential, make informed decisions, and play an active role in social and economic advancement.

In terms of the industry’s contribution, the travel & lifestyle services sector holds immense potential to further this empowerment. By championing diverse and inclusive workplaces, and ensuring equal opportunities, the industry can not only drive economic growth but also catalyze societal progress. Initiatives that promote education, skill development, and career opportunities can act as transformative steps toward achieving an empowered society.

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