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Alibaba Group

China’s answer to Amazon and eBay

The Alibaba Group was established in 1999 by 18 people led by Jack Ma, a former English teacher from Hangzhou, China. From the outset, the company’s founders shared a belief that the Internet would level the playing field by enabling small enterprises to leverage innovation and technology to grow and compete more effectively in the domestic and global economies. Since launching its first website helping small Chinese exporters, manufacturers and entrepreneurs to sell internationally, the Alibaba Group has grown into a global leader in online and mobile commerce. Today, the company and its related companies operate leading wholesale and retail online marketplaces as well as offers Internet-based businesses offering advertising and marketing services, electronic payment, China’s answer to Amazon and eBay cloud-based computing and network services and mobile solutions among other services. Alibaba is the leading international Chinese Internet company.
Key Features
1. One of the leading Internet companies in the world
2. Operates leading online and mobile marketplaces in retail and wholesale trade as well as offers cloud computing and other services

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