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Chintan Panara Xpertnest: World’s Best Emerging Leader 2022

wcrcint - January 4, 2023 - 0 comments

Selected as World’s Best Emerging Leader by WCRCINT, Chintan Panara of Xpertnest is building a strong and robust business ecosystem and a great legacy through adaptive, empowering and innovative leadership techniques.

Chintan Panara, Co Founder and Executive Director, Technology and Strategy, Xpertnest
WCRCLEADERS in conversation with Chintan Panara, Co Founder and Executive Director, Technology and Strategy, Xpertnest

What makes a strong leader? What are your key leadership strengths are make the strongest attributes of success.

Key leadership quality if to be adaptive, build your team in such a way that they are adaptive to any situation/event. Because when we plan to deliver, be prepared that there is always chance to alter the course due to change in circumstances.Also,it is essential to build a culture in your team where our people can be at their best. 

A strong leader “empowers” those they lead to perform with freedom and open mind, while also take responsibility for the result – positive or negative.

An accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career? What challenges did you face to reach to the success.

My journey starts from a middle-class family in the state of Gujarat with a thinking of innovating something that make everyone’s life better.

The day I decided to leave my salaried job to start my own company Xpertnest has been one of the most crucial turning point of my professional life. The rest has been joyful roller-coaster ride of which I enjoy every movement.

Since then, I have always been on the lookout for new and unconventional business ideas that disrupt existing markets. Armed with an adventurous attitude and a forward-thinking nature, we are all about exploring new and emerging technology, and conceiving new products before anyone else does.

What is a role of leader in these challenging times.

I believe that role of a leader is to lead from the front to demonstrate values and ethos of the company. Below are the key leadership priorities, which are embedded into our corporate governance at Xpertnest.

  • Integrity

Be fair, honest, transparent, and ethical in our conduct. Show consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral & ethical principles.

  • Trust

We will trust and invest in our people and partners, and build caring and collaborative relationships based on trust and mutual respect

  • Responsibility

Integrate social and environmental principles at work, ensuring that what comes from the people goes back to the people many times over

  • Excellence

To be passionate about everything we do and give our best to achieve the highest possible standards of quality for us and our customer

  • Revolutionary

We will be innovative and agile in our approach to developing any solution, always be ready to take on new challenges

What is your vision and how do you share that with your shareholders, employees, and others? 

“Empowered by Innovation, driven by passion” – it is that philosophy which likes at the core of a vision for better tomorrow at Xpertnest. It is this passion that drives us to build the best and achieve the highest possible standards of quality for their customers.

We vision it to be innovators who are ever-evolving. We create, innovate and implement technologies that make a positive and real difference. In keeping with the habit for disruption. Using the building blocks of integrated technologies, Xpertnest offers businesses universally the chance to be part of a global shift towards a more connected world. This creates an urge to drive deeper engagement with our partners, both in the real and digital spaces.

How do you drive active business renovations and how does that impact your subordinates?

It is this people-centric approach that drives me and my businesses. We have built such a culture at all companies where people come first – employees as well as customers, everyone gains. All my ventures have been developed by keeping the customer in mind and merging technology with utility. We relentlessly focus on creating standout customer experiences. 

Everyone at Xpertnest can contribute towards organization’s process for introducing new ideas, workflows, methodologies, services, or products. We have implemented a strategy that referred to as “the aggregation of marginal gains”, which is the philosophy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything you do. So, rather than bringing the massive change overnight, we focus on “The power of tine gains” that leads to a significant change in long run.

How do you integrate corporate philanthropy or corporate social responsibility as a part of your business strategies?

Xpertnest has deeply invested time and efforts into corporate social responsibility to support people and community we work with.

One of the very good examples is our National Beach Check app for UK. During this unprecedented event of COVID -19 pandemic, Xpertnest improvised and adapted itself to implement solutions which were (are) need of the hour. Xpertnest innovated a crowd management solution during the thick of the pandemic for the Government of the United Kingdom, which was needed to reduce the spread of the infection. It has live traffic-light system to help visitors and residents avoid busy hotspots. It allows users to check area map indicating busier areas (red), less busy areas (amber) and those with plenty of available space (green). 

Another good example is Ashford Streetwise application, developed for crime prevention. Ashford Community Safety Partnership cares about the safety of those that live, work or visit the Town Centre of Ashford, Kent. The Ashford Streetwise App allows you to plan your routes in and around the town centre. It also enables you to pick the safest possible route to get to your destination using information such as CCTV camera locations, street lighting, community guardians and safe spaces. This route is shown in colour on a map for you to follow.

What has been your driving force or philosophy in life?

My inspiration has been my parents who has contributed their entire life to help me become who I am today. My parents, even though well educated, are from a common farmer community background. I have seen them tirelessly working for my education and progress. This has acts as a key driving force in my life and has become never say never attitude.

I believe in never stop learning attitude and make sure I learn for everyone and everything around me. I feel inspired by innovative and ground-breaking thinking by Nicola Tesla, tirelessly working attitude and dedicating everything towards society by Honourable Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi, practice till perfection attitude by Sachin Tendulkar.  

How do you plan to drive your business at a global level?

Xpertnest is a value-driven innovation company working with cutting edge technology to deliver next-generation solutions. Xpertnest is creating ground-breaking solutions across industries that create a more intelligent world for mankind.

Xpertnest believes in being innovators who are ever evolving to create, innovate and implement technologies that make a positive and real difference. In keeping with the habit for disruption. 

Our vision and mission to grow globally are:

  • Vision 2026 – Bring technology solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems 
  • Mission – Delivering innovative solutions to create a better world through dynamic partnership
  • Strategy
    • Build partnership and reinforce open innovation as an opportunity for everyone and not a threat to anyone
    • Harmonise different Industry strands & verticals into a cohesive unit

How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?

I strongly believe in what Marco Pierre White once said – Perfection is lots of small things done well. Do not get too obsessed with the result at every juncture and focus on your work. If you fit all small pieces right, bigger puzzle will get solved on its own.

I and everyone at Xpertnest believe in open innovation work culture. I believe, “There are enough challenges to go round—and enough solutions waiting to be developed.”

Success for me is when we can make positive impact on people, community and companies we work with.

In your opinion what is the most significant aspect of leadership?

‘’Leaders do not create followers, rather they create more leaders’’

I believe that is the most significant aspect which every leader should implement at grassroot level in their organization. 

Your perception of an empowered society. How far your industry has/can contribute for the same?

We formed Xpertnest, with a singular vision that would bring technology solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. We saw the potential in combining data analysis with satellite imagery to help farmers improve their outputs. We imagined how cities could function more efficiently with smart technology and artificial intelligence. We were excited by the way that augmented reality and virtual reality could improve design and create new, immersive environments. 

We recognized the need to find materials that could replace the use of plastic, and we saw the importance of constructing affordable homes to help build thriving sustainable communities.

While we realize that technology can offer solutions to these important challenges, we are always aware that if we want to use technology to make the world better, greener, and more prosperous we need to focus not on technology for technology’s sake but how to solve the needs of real people and their communities. It is that focus on people, communities, and the places they work and live that lies at the heart of everything Xpertnest does. 

Esprit de corps: How do bring fairies and equality to all?

We perceive the world as various segregated micro systems waiting to be transformed into one larger ecosystem that is striving together. 

Our approach is one of open Innovation. As the pace of technology continues to accelerate, collaboration between the private sector, academic institutions, and the public sector has to become the norm if we’re going to develop the innovative solutions the world needs. This “cohort” approach enables us to always bring the best talents and the sharpest minds to the focus on the problems we choose to solve. It gives us an agility that is hard to find in a single large company alone. 

I believe, together we can make a difference!!

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