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INT+ WCRC - September 9, 2015 - 0 comments

Abhimanyu Ghosh
Managing Editor & CEO

It gives us immense pleasure to introduce ‘Asia’s Most Promising Brands’ & ‘Leaders 2012-2013’. A brand project par excellence, featuring the most promising brands and leaders from Asia’s
most promising countries for business. ‘Asia’s Most Promising Brands’ is based on secondary and primary research and brands selected after careful research are invited to be a part of the feature. Globally the first initiative in print, online and other digital platforms, it strives to give the selected brand the respect that they so truly deserve.

At a time when the world economy is going through a transformation with a massive shift of power towards the Asian continent, ‘Asia’s Most Promising Brands’ brings to the fore the promising brands from this region. The selection of these 200 brands is a part of the Global Most Promising 500 Brands that WCRC has undertaken. The research has been divided into two parts. Zone 1 comprise the Indian Sub-continent, GCC and South East Asia and Zone 2 consists of the Far East, West and Central Asia. It’s truly inspiring to interview and read about the growth and achievements of the brands selected. Let there be no doubt that these are the most powerful brands we are talking about.

In an era where editorial sanctity is often in question along with transparency of research, we, at World Consulting & Research Corporation, are proud to have set an unparalleled credibility process. With KPMG in India as the process advisors and evaluators and a constellation of jury members from different regions of the globe, our commitment has been towards an unbiased process where only the meritorious get selected.

Abhimanyu Ghosh

Keeping the magnitude of the project in mind, along with the objective to salute the growth that these companies have achieved, the right destination had to be chosen. This brings us to Dubai. Very few places on the map have redefined the way business is conducted over the last one decade as Dubai seems to have done. Its cosmopolitanism, open environment for business, its emergence as a financial and tourism hub and its location makes it only logical that ‘Asia’s Most Promising Brands’ should make its debut in the world’s most promising city. The story of the emergence of Dubai is absolutely fascinating to say the least.

We would like to thank KPMG in India for working tirelessly to ensure that no stone is left unturned in bringing out an authentic, unbiased and accurate selection of brands. The members of the Jury deserve a special mention. They have gone through the entire selection process in a detailed manner covering all the documentation relating to research and other parameters to ensure that nothing but the most genuine results come out. 

Last but not the least, this project would not have reached fruition without the immense hardwork of the entire team at World Consulting & Research Corporation. They walked the proverbial extra mile and burnt midnight oil to ensure that perfection was achieved towards the purpose of the project.

On behalf of each member at WCRC, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate each of the 200 ‘Asia’s Most Promising Brands’.

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