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Asia's Most Promising Game Changers

INT+ WCRC - September 9, 2015 - 0 comments

Asia’s Most Promising Game Changers

In every victory or failure of the past, lies the beginning of a new future. That very future is in the hands of people who are inspired to walk the proverbial extra mile in search of excellence. These game changers of today have the responsibility to mould time and material in the most efficient way possible to carry the big race forward.

All these leaders have had a start and also a unique story of their rise and the difficulties they faced. We’ve brought together a group of such names who are all set to build their own roads and write their own chapters in the journal of entrepreneurial success.

abdallah abdul-ali abhishek adel adwin ajay-kapoor ak-sharma alan anthony arvind ashok bedraj bhupinder-singh choe-peng daizo dato dhananjay dr T dr-apurba hamdan-mohammad hussain-ali irwan jamaludin joel juliana kamal-puri kj-rathod kl-verma kulwant-singh mahesh-gupta mahesh-kisan manish-agarwal manish-chabra mehernosh mehul mufti-kamal mukesh-batra nasir neelesh op pradeep-kumar prashant-bhalla prateek-gupta rajesh-bansal ravish-kapoor sahul samar samit sanjay-arya shaji sidharth sirirurg sk-jain sultan-ahmad tarun tengku usman vijay virkaran vivek yogesh-lakhani

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