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India’s Trusted CEO’s 2018, Dr. Sandeep Gupta, MD, Richa Industries Limited

INT+ WCRC - November 21, 2018 - 0 comments

India’s Trusted CEO’s 2018, Dr. Sandeep Gupta, MD, Richa Industries Limited

A highly motivated and dynamic business leader with a sharp acumen to create a speciality organisations. A self- starter and Go-Getter with an aptitude for solving new task quickly and convincing others to accept that task.

With a desire to create the infrastructure for the country, which can be used and appraised by our coming generations. Also while creating the infrastructure to ensure the maximum use of recyclable material and least loss to the environment.

Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Managing Director, Richa Industries Limited

Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Managing Director, Richa Industries Limited

It’s often said that leaders these days must operate in an environment of extreme volatility. Do you agree? How does that affect the way you lead?

Agreed to the fullest. Especially when changes in basic principles like: GST, Demonetization. Etc. is keeping CEO on their toes all the time. To counter this changes one have to be very realistic and approach has to be short term as well. Due to this one has to keep on changing strategies regularly and sometimes it becomes a challenge. In my scenario, I have to lead the team from front now a days due to the volatility.

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all. What is your prime focus for retaining customers?

    • Our prime focus for retaining customers are:
      • Fulfilment of delivery dates
      • Value for money
      • Clarifications on product to the best possible extent
      • To attain the Goal of the customer while executing the project

What was your first paying job?

From last 18 years I am working only & only for one company Richa Industries Limited. I stated my career in the year 2000 as an executive in my own company as I was not born with a silver spoon. The journey was not so easy however my vision was clear from day one and that was, to lead the company and taking it to the new heights. After 18 years of hard work, now I am the Managing Director of Richa Industries Limited. Gives a satisfying feeling however still a long way to go.

Do you have a formal mechanism for making sure you stay in touch with employees and customers on the organization’s front line?

Yes I do have various platforms in the organization which keeps me close to my people & my customers and one of them is implemented within organization and we call it “MD Connect” This forum was all about connecting with them personally so that there should be no gap in my expectations and their deliverables. (A small brief is attached).

For customers, I have made direct communication channel called a Department known as DCS (Directorate Corporate Services) which keeps a track of all activities of the customer  and reports directly to me.

What is the best business advice you’ve ever heard?

Best advice till date I have ever got or heard was to encourage me for entering into EPC business with Govt. Sector by one of my close friend. This has changed my vision & goals along with the company.

What has surprised you about being an entrepreneur?

Pace at which GOI is changing the Law of Land, which is not allowing or giving space to the mid-level companies to adjust or to be in line.

What strategies do you use in terms of planning your personal career progression?

I keep on reading books on the subjects which is written for the CEO’s strategies, corporate world along with behavioral understanding of people. Also I have completed my Doctorate during this period only. I keep myself engage by attending lots of workshops from time to time. Along with all this I am an active member for many institutions (Industrial or Educational) which makes me learn a new thing every day.

Your Favourite Book or Quote of all time?

My Potential is limited only by How Many Excuse I Have!

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